
Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia

Moscow Kremlin

Project manager

Anton Getman


Svetlana Kaufman

The 16th "Fiddler on the Roof" awards ceremony of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia took place on December 17. The event was traditionally held in the State Kremlin Palace, and the Star Project team was traditionally in charge of organizing it.

The Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia award "Fiddler on the Roof" was established in 2002. It celebrates people who, through their activities, make a significant contribution into development of the cultural and public life of the country, regardless of their nationality and religion. The symbol of the award is a statuette "Fiddler on the Roof", created by an outstanding Israeli sculptor Frank Meisler.

The official part of the event, the main theme of which was Jewish humor, was hosted by Valdis Pelsh and Yana Churikova. Maxim Galkin, Alexander Filippenko, Semyon Altov, Stand up comedian Dmitry Romanov and Peter Nalitch with the orchestra took part in the concert.

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